International Space Station (ISS)Michel Safir

Recording of Amateur Radio from International Space Station 17/4/2024

Recording by Michel Safir.

The following recording is of an amateur radio communication in English from International Space Station (ISS) 17/4/2024. Astronomers on the ISS have access to amateur radio equipment, and regularly communicate with schools and other community organisations on Earth.

The following frequencies are currently used for Amateur Radio ISS contacts (QSOs):
1. Voice and SSTV Downlink: 145.80 MHz (Worldwide) (Receive ONLY)
2. Voice Uplink: 144.49 MHz for ITU Regions 2 and 3 (The Americas, and the Pacific and Southern Asia)
3. Voice Uplink: 145.20 MHz for ITU Region 1 (Europe, Russia and Africa)
4. VHF Packet Uplink and Downlink: 145.825 MHz (Worldwide)

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