Acquisition 8 bits. C:/Users/andre/Desktop/SharpCap Captures/2024-06-25/Sol'Ex/13_04_43.ser Width and Height of SER frames : 968,200 Number of frames : 12043 SER date UTC :"2024-06-25T12:04:43.5629187" SER date local :"2024-06-25T13:04:43.5629187" Mean Image - Vertical limits y1,y2 : 0 967 Coef a*x2,b*x,c :4.7194e-05 -4.6602e-02 87.34 image... Vertical limits y1,y2 : 0 955 Tilt angle : -12.6464 Scaling SY/SX : +0.4995 Final SY/SX :+1.119 Correction angle : -24.189161810428747 P angle used : 0.0 xc,yc center and radius : 3609 2583 1111 xcc,ycc center and radius : 1452 1281 1111 Coordinates y1,y2 and x1,x2 disk : 0,696 281,2805