Radio Interferometry

Does this trace show interferometry interference spikes from the Sun?

Latest attempt to record interference spikes using radio interferometer. This time, I used Mike’s AD8302-based receiver, with computer now removed 50cm outside box away from receiver and also 6 point averaging in the Excel – to reduce interference effects as AD8302 very sensitive to electronic noise.

Times of this trace seen weird – late into 9pm-10pm hour. However, although I tried to point aerials south, I wonder if errors in pointing, inaccuracies in west-east line, and differences in phase lengths of cables to both aerials might explain apparent offset in time (and hence RA) of Sun. I have sent a message to SARA mailing list (Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers based in USA) to ask their opinion on this.

Aerials approx. 5m apart from each other.

May well be another dud but is closest to looking like interference spikes I have got with my attempts to date.


Data files from above:

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