
First attempt at plotting 3D images using Rinearn3D using Ted Cline’s new ezGal250218e.py script 19/2/2025

The ezGal510 plot needs a lot of data to fill, so it is hard to avoid data gaps.

The purpose of the ezGal510 plot is to plot interpolated velocity against galactic longitude.

To use this, I ran:

py  ..\ezRA\ezGal250218e.py  .  -ezGal510Csv 1  -ezGalPlotRangeL 510 510

This produces a file called ezGal510velGLonMsh.csv

Open Rinearn3D in the normal way and then plot the file ezGal510velGLonMsh.csv choosing Z axis.


First results of processing using this new script, using data from LRO-H1 (Ptarmigan Array) 3rd mapping exercise (so far only 5 elevation angles have had drift scans in this 3rd map):

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